
There are two main ways to contribute.

Contributing to FASLR#

Users who are interested in contributing to FASLR are free to open pull requests on the project GitHub.

There is currently no roadmap, and as this is an unpaid community volunteer effort, I don’t feel comfortable telling people exactly what to do. The closest thing to a roadmap would be the issues page that lists the open tickets.

Feel free to volunteer for a ticket by commenting in one, and I will assign it to you. If you’d like new features to be added, you should create your own ticket.

Contributing to the Documentation#

The documentation source code is located in the docs folder. It comprises of .rst files, and you should use Sphinx to render them. Media such as images and videos are stored outside of the repository on a separate server to save space - so any pull requests should not include these types of media.

Discussion Board#

Topics, and questions that don’t fit neatly into a ticket can be discussed on the project’s discussion board.

Chat Room#

If you’d like to participate in instant-messaging like discussions, join the project’s chat room.

Project Finances#

I am currently not accepting funding. Aside from my own free time and that of the volunteers, current costs are $5/month to host this website.

Further costs may include the commissioning of artwork for things like themes and logos, but that will come at a later time.